Sunday, January 16, 2011

Eating Organic

As my husband and I noticed the past couple of years, many people have questioned our eating habits and choices. They don't so much ask WHY we eat organic but almost mock our choices. (some, not all.)

Not that I mind if I or my children eat something other than organic sometimes but I suppose some people are set in their ways and brands and choose not to research the concept further. I think most of their distrust of organics are primarily the price. I am a pretty big penny pincher myself but I like to "splurge" on things of quality. One area I will always be ok splurging on is food.

If "our bodies are temples", and "we are what we eat," then why do people (even highly devout persons of faith) put such crap into their bodies. Pesticides, antibiotics, steroids, foreign substances and so on...

I cant always splurge on an all organic diet but when i can i lie to now which items are better, in terms of how much pesticides etc they use.

So if you care to read the info about the top 12 pesticide ridden produce and the bottom 12 items see below and choose wisely.

Here is the the info that everyone should know about produce from the EWG.

These are the 12 fruits and vegetables that consistently have the highest levels of pesticides.
  1. peaches 
  2. apples
  3. sweet bell peppers 
  4. celery
  5. nectarines
  6. strawberries
  7. cherries
  8. pears
  9. imported grapes
  10. spinach
  11. lettuce
  12. potatoes
In contrast these are the 12 produce picks with the least amount of pesticides:
  1. onions
  2. avocados
  3. frozen sweet corn
  4. pineapples
  5. mangoes
  6. asparagus
  7. frozen peas
  8. kiwi
  9. bananas
  10. cabbage
  11. broccoli
  12. papayas

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