Monday, January 3, 2011

First post since baby

So not much has changed in my musical tastes. I still prefer "good" music meaning talented artists not just dubbed and auto-tuned folks. I will always lean towards strings, primarily violin, mandolin and the good ole guitar. I am still a "sucker for anything acoustic". (I do think this will now be a blog more of life and less of musical travels) :)

I have recently found a renewed love and appreciation for Andrew Bird. His effortless whistling is quite relaxing and Baby Shenandoah really enjoys listening while bouncing and teething.

Life as a mother is ever changing. I guess that is to be expected when life is ever changing.
I enjoy every little thing the my daughter does: cries, coos, smiles, laughs and even now little imitations of words and facial expressions and utter JOY!
I love how she is only 3 months old but still is more intuitive to feelings and love that many people who roam the streets and hallways these days.

I do thing she also has an awareness of pictures being taken of her... she seems to enjoy at least the flashes that the camera makes and seems to be posing for pictures because they all turn out fabulous.

I have recently decided, as many have, to make this a blog about family life and trying to live a natural, green, and "organic" life as possible.

Options I want to pursue further.

-baby foods; when, how what and why and what the deal is with starting or not starting at 6 mo.
- teething solutions-how to
- sweet nothings
- sweet finds
- homemade everything

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